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CEEPC success -Ustron
13th CEEPC, Ustron - 2019
Ustron coat of arms
All Logos, pictures and third party material with agreed consent

13th CEEPC Organising Team
Piotr Widłak (CEEPC Board) Franciszek Binczyk, Agata Kurczyk, Monika Pietrowska, Marta Gawin, Jacek Rogoliński & Karol Jelonek
Keynote Speakers - Opening Day 1
Suresh Jivan Gadher, Theresa L. Whiteside, & Piotr Widlak
Accolade - Professor Theresa Whiteside:
Professor Whiteside presented on 'Tumor-derived exosomes as the emerging mechanism of cancer-induced immune suppression'. Professor Whiteside is a World Authority on 'Exosomes' in cancer. Theresa L. Whiteside, currently serves as the Professor of Pathology, Immunology and Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Pittsburgh, USA with extensive experience in evaluating human immune-mediated diseases. Her research has been focused on tumor immunology and immunotherapy, especially on mechanisms of tumor-induced immunosuppression, cytokine networks, development of anticancer vaccines, immunology of human head and neck cancer and the role of natural immunity in the control of cancer progression.
Meeting focus:
The conference included clinical proteomics, exosome proteomes, molecular imaging by MSI, bioinformatics, multi-omics, and enabling technologies applications. The program also included dedicated time for young researchers' contributions through a “Young Guns” session. Medical, clinical and Societal Issues were debated.
Precision Medicine & challenges < CLICK TO READ
Meeting Program - 13th CEEPC, Ustron, Poland < Click to view
Website link < Click to view
Opening Ceremony with Ensemble Czantoria
Danuta Zoń-Ciuk
Opening Ceremony concluded with the famous Czantoria Ensemble which was established in 1988. Danuta Zoń-Ciuk was the conductor in charge. Apart from concerts in the Czech Republic, Germany, Croatia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary and Bułgaria, Czantoria performs systematically in Ustroń. Since 1991, the ensemble has been presenting the harvest rite during the traditional Święto Plonów (Celebration of Harvest), and since 1994, it has performing during Tydzień Kultury Beskidzkiej (The Beskidy Week of Culture) in Wisła, Szczyrk, Oświęcim and Maków Podhalański. Czantoria is a laureate of numerous awards and distinctions, including the Silver Medal of the 'Polish Sejm' (Parliament), distinction 'For the Merit of Bielsko Voivodeship' and the 'Merit of Ustroń'.
Conference Dinner & Folklore Dancing
Conference Dinner & Folklore at Skibowka on Rownica
Blowing the trumpet !
More Polish specialities
Polish Dancing
'Eliminator Challenge'
Ustron is the home of the 'Eliminator Challenge' every year ...........
CEEPC remains focused on its' challanges - see report below
The 13th CEEPC Ustron, Poland 2019 Meeting report
Power of proteomics and progress in precision medicine – 13th central and eastern European proteomic conference (CEEPC), Ustroń, Poland,
13th CEEP conference was great fun!